Monday, 6 October 2014

DSD 4 : Do Something Your 'Other' Does Differently

Introducing my significant 'other' - my splitting image in the mirror.  This is a video that I've taken of my splitting image in the mirror using her left hand to draw a picture of a teddy bear.

I then simulate my significant 'other', doodling the same picture - using also my left hand.  And you can probably tell the difficulty I had.  This is obviously taking much longer time to complete than what my mirror image did with her left hand.

Picture on the left : As drawn in the second video (using my left hand)
Picture on the right : As drawn in the first video (using my right hand) Or my splitting image using her left hand.

This has been a fun exercise for me since I get to try drawing with my left hand.  Although it has been a difficult task (I am afterall right-handed), I am still please that I managed to come up with a picture that is quite close to what I could do using my right hand. With more practice, I could train myself to be ambitexterous!

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